A plea to event organisers.
This is a heart felt plea to anyone organising events, meet ups, car shows or anything like that. Can we all please start using What3words for the event location rather than postcodes or vague “second layby after the dog and duck roundabout.” It can save a lot of grief, searching for the right place and faffing about.
Using what3words defines the whole planet in 3 metre by 3 metre squares each defined by three simple words (hence the name). Already the emergency services and most courier companies use it because of the inherent accuracy.
But let me give you an example. Last year I went to Military Odyssey in Kent, The post code is: ME14 3JF. However, when I arrived at the main gate and needed to go to the correct precise location I was told to go to the other entrance. This meant a drive of 20 minutes up the dual carriageway to the next roundabout, back down, past the entrance to the next roundabout and then back up the other side of the dual carriageway to the other show ground entrance. Had I been given the What3words location:
I’d have been directed to precisely the correct place first time.
What3words handshakes with all the commonly used mapping apps like Google Maps and Waze. It is easy to use and makes travel so much easier.
Thank you.
