The first batch of GSG MP40 blank firers have all been accounted for already but the good news is that I have managed to acquire a further five examples. These will also sell out very fast so if you want one you will have to act very fast.
Again these will be sold on a first come first served basis to the next five people who send the £100 deposit.
The delivery of (both) orders is expected inwards on Thursday after which time I will communicate to all the lucky purchasers with regards to arranging delivery to suit you and enquire about what extras may be desired.
Same as before, deposits may be paid via direct transfer to Hire and Fire Limited, a/c 72973093, sort 40-51-62 or via cheque to Hire and Fire Limited, Parsonage Farm, Parsonage Lane, Albury, Herts, SG11 2HU.

Should I receive more deposits than there are blank firers available I will contact you and either return your deposit or hold it against the next delivery where you will be first in the queue. Totally up to you. This is likely to to be the last stock for a while. I am hoping for additional stock later in 2019 but at this stage cannot guarantee this. Best regards Tom